TTable Minimiser

by HakaSoft Software



TRUTH TABLE MINIMISERThis application is designed to Minimise a Boolean Truth Table (from 2 to 8 variables) to its simplest form, utilising either a Karnaugh Map or the Quine-McCluskey algorithm.This application is Free and does NOT contain any adverts or in-app purchases.The Karnaugh Map (KMap) procedure can also provide ALL the possible equivalent minimised solutions (obtained by Petricks method).Note that due to 2D graphical constraints, only Karnaugh Maps of 2 to 4 variables can be shown.The Quine-McCluskey solution (for 2 to 8 variables) provides all the algorithm steps including the "Prime Implicant Table" and the "Minimal Covering Table".The final digital circuit of the solution is then provided, and the circuit is available in both the AND-OR and the NAND-NAND circuit equivalents.The app requires NO permissions.